Make it fast, easy and as simple and possible for explorers to Bookmark the ads they want and view them later. helping them to narrow down on what they want.

Role: UX Designer

Team: Ads team

Year: 2019

Company: Divar (Agah Pardazan Houshmand)

🗂 Overview

In order to "Bookmark" the ads that they want, the user should go to the page of each ad and click the "Bookmark" button to add it to the list of bookmarks for that ad. We want to improve Interaction cost on this process and help the user "Bookmark" ads faster. It can also be used as an indicator of what ads the user has seen before.

👨‍💻 My role

UX/Interaction Designer

We are a team of 12 designers working on Divar (Including two verticals). UX researchers, Interaction Designers, UX/UI Designers, UX Engineers, and a Design System Manager.


😥 Problem/Challenge

In order to "Bookmark" the ads that they want, the user should go to the page of each ad and click the "Bookmark" button to add it to the list of bookmarks for that ad. We want to improve Interaction cost on this process and help the user "Bookmark" ads faster. It can also be used as an indicator of what ads the user has seen before.

Framing with JTBD

When I'm exploring the ads, I want to bookmark ads faster, so I can be able to review them later and compare the ads I bookmarked before.


👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 Users & Audience

500 thousands of users submitting different ads every day with different backgrounds & knowledge in different ad categories.

🎯 Goals

Make it fast, easy and as simple and possible for users to Crop, Rotate or Brush any part of the image in the ad submission process.

😰 Product side challenges

Because mobile devices have small screens, an in-app photo editor can’t include all the tools together. Biderectionality, Localization, system-wide consistency.


📚 My Process

Gathering requirements, Problem defining, Navigating through Data to validate the problem or see what I can find out my self, Generating Ideas, Gathering feedback and discussing it with other team members, Designing Iterations, Prototyping, Feedback, Defining Metrics, Delivering to the Client team and DSM.

Define, Research, Design & Prototype,

Evaluation, Iterating & Delivery.

Everything starts with the basics (most of the time)!

Everything starts with the basics (most of the time)!


📊 Gathering data

And some other quantitative date related.

I have a background in digital web analytics and a basic understanding of quant data analysis. so I did run a few queries to see what are numbers telling us?

Key Insights:


🛠️ Structuring Information Architecture